Ọrụ Wikipedia kwalitere ndị obodo Taiwan dị Otu narị bụ ndị nke na-asụ asụsụ Sakizaya ma na-edebanye na Wikipedia

Ndị Sakizaya . Ihe ngosi si na Youtuubu

Na ọnwa Novemba n'afọ 2019, ndị otu Wikipedia na-asụ asụsụ Sakizaya language  nọ na Taiwan nwetara ihe onyinye dị ebube , onyinye a bụ idenye asụsụ nke ha ma nwee otu nke ha na Wikipedia.

E nwere mmadụ narị abụọ, iri iteolu na iteolu bụ ndi otu  Wikipedia nwere asụsụ narị abụọ iri iteolu na iteolu. Sakizaya Wikipitiya, dịka esi akpọ ya n'asụsụ Sakizaya , ka ọ dị ugbu a e nwere ihe odide dị otu puku, nari asaa, iri ise na iteolu. 1,759 bụ nke mmadụ iri anọ debara na Wikipedia.

Dịka njirimara  Wikipedias niile, ọdịrị onye ọbụla ọmasịrị  ka ọdebanye maọbụ gụọ ihe ndi edere ede. Ọrụ Wikipedia metụtara  ndezi ihe ederede dị iche iche, ịde ọtụtụ ihe mmụta dị iche iche, nakwa ime ntụgharị ederede dị iche iche dị n'asụsụ bekee gaa n'asụsụ ndị ọzọ  dị iche iche.

N'afọ 2007 Gọmenti nke obodo Taiwan maara naanị Sakizaya people site n;ụdị asụsụ ha na-asụ. Ihe dịka afọ otu narị na iri abụọ na iteolu a maara ndị otu a dika ndị Amis . Ihe kpatara nke a bụ maka na ndị otu Sakizaya bidoro zowe njiri mara ha ka mechara devastating battle ha ndị otu Qing na ngwụcha 19th Century.   Ndị otu Sakizaya kpọrọ ọgụ a “Takubuwan Battle”.

Ka ọdị ugbu a ndị otu nọ obodo mepere emepe ndị a, akpọrọ Keelung, Taoyuan City, New Taipei, nakwa Hualien County.

Ọnụ ogụgụ ha dị 985 as of January 2020.

N'okpuru bụ obere ihe nkiri gbasara mmalite otu ndị Sakizaya  bụ nke ndị The Council of Indigenous Peoples: chịkọtara.

Iji nwee mmuta banyere mmụba na uto nke Sakizaya Wikipedia nakwa mmemme niile nke ọgbara ọhụụ so ya, Otu Rising Voices kpọtụrụ  Lami Tsai-Wei Hung, otu n'ime ndi na-ebeba ederede na Wikipedia bụkwa onye na-agụ akwukwọ iji nweta nzere PhD na ngalaba Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures nke  National Dong Hwa University dị na Taiwan.

Lami nyere aka ịkwado otu Sakizaya ma chịkọta site na ego nkwado nke Gọọmenti Taiwan wepụtara. Nke a gosiri ajụjụ ọnụ ajụrụ ya nakwa azịza ya.

Rising Voices (RV): Kedụ ọnọdụ asụsụ Sakizaya ugbu a ma kedụ ka ese eji ya na ndụ ndị mmadụ kwa ụbọchị na agụm akwụkwọ nakwa mgbasa ozi nke midia?

Lami Tsai-Wei Hung (LH): Along with six other indigenous languages in Taiwan, Sakizaya is classified as “critically endangered” by UNESCO. For its vitality, Ethnologue, a guide on living languages of the world, classifies the language as “institutional,” meaning the language has been developed to the point that it is used and sustained by institutions beyond home and community settings. However, Ethnologue’s assessment may not reflect actual status.

Though the 2020 statistics suggests that there are about 985 registered members of Sakizaya, the number of actual speakers could be as low as 590 as it hasn’t been fully passed down to the younger generation. Many Sakizaya elders above 55 might be fluent, yet urban dwellers and youths might not be.

While there’s no designated TV channel or radio station in Sakizaya, the Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV) and the FM96.3 Alian Radio broadcast in local indigenous languages including Sakizaya. However, the lead anchors are in their sixties and therefore [lack] young audiences.

The government has become more aware of the [need to use] indigenous languages along with Mandarin for public announcements. While it has made policies more indigenous-friendly and brought more subsidies to language revitalization programs, this has not helped much in raising public interest.

Lami Tsai-Wei Hung (LH): Gnyere asụsụ isii ndị ọzọ dị n'obodo Taiwan, Sakizaya bụ otu n;ime asụsụ na anwụ anwụ dika otu by UNESCO   si kwuo. Iji kwado nchọpụta ha , Ethnologue, akwụkwọ ntụzi maka asụsụ ndị dị ndụ n'ụwa niile, kewasịrị asụsụ a dika n’ ụdị n'ụdị  nke a pụtara ahaziela asụsụ a n'ụdị na enwere ike isụ ya ma n'ụlọ ma na mba. Mana nnwale Ethnologue nwere ikeọ gaghị egosicha ọnọdụ ya .

2020 statistics gosiri na e nwere ihe dika mmadụ nari iteolu,iri asatọ na ise denyegoro aha ha ibụ ndị otu Sakizaya , ndị na-asụ asụsụ Sakizaya dị ihe dika narị ise na iri iteolu, ndị na-etonyite etonyita amụtala asụsụ a site n'aka ndị okenye. Ọtụtụ ndi Okenye Sakizaya gbara afọ iri ise na ise na-asụ asụsụ a were were mana ndị ntorobịa bi n'obodo mepere emepe amachaghị asụ asụsụ a.

N'agbanyeghị na enweghị ụlọ ọrụ onyonyo maọbụ nke redio na Sakizaya,  Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV) nakwa FM96.3 Alian Radio na eji asụsụ dị iche iche nke gụnyere asụsụ wee na-akọwapụta ihe di iche iche. Mana ndị isi na-agụpụta ihe ndi agbachala afọ iri isii ma biakwa ha enweghi ndị ntorobia na-ege ha ntị.

Ndị Gọọmenti achọpụtala mkpa ọdị iji asusụ ndị obodo nakwa asụsụ Mandarin gbasaa ozi n'obodo. Nke mere ka atụmatụ ndị gọọmeti masị ndị obodo ma kwalite asụsụ mana nke a anaghị enyere ịkpalite mmụọ ndị obodo ịsụ asụsụ ndi a.

RV: Ị nwere ike ịkọwara anyị ka esi eji asụsụ  Sakizaya eme nkuzi na ọmụmụ akwụkwọ?

LH: So we have this mandatory “native language curriculum” for everyone till 9th grade, which takes place one hour per week. Students can enroll in any preferred language as long as the school has a teacher for it. And if a student intends to learn Sakizaya, the school is obliged to find them a teacher for the language. At the moment, there are about 15 teachers and 60 students for Sakizaya in elementary schools and junior high schools across the country.

LH: Anyị nwere iwu metụtara Kọrịkulọm gbasara asụsụ anyị maka nwata akwụkwọ ọbụla bido na gradi nke mbu ruo gradi nke iteolu, Nke a metụtara ịmụ asụsụ masịrị gị tụmadị ọbụru na onye ga-akụzị ya nọ ya otu awa kwa izu ọbụla. Nwata akwụkwọ chọrọ imụ  Sakizaya, ụlọ akwụkwọ ga-achọta onye nkuzi ga-akuzi ya. Ka ọdị ugbu a , e nwere ndi nkuzi iri na ise na ụmụ akwụkwọ iri isii na-amụ asụsụ  Sakizaya n'ụlọ akwụkwọ Primari nakwa Junịọ Sekọndiri n'obodo Taiwan niile.

RV:Ederede  Wikipedia n'asụsụ ọhụụ ga-abụ ihe nhịahụ nye ndi otu a  n'ihi Wikipedia chọrọ ederede ebipụtara ebipụta n'akwụkwọ akụkọ, nakwa akwụkwọ ọgụgụ ndị ọzọ dị iche iche. Kedụ ihe dị iche iche ị wepụtara iji mee ka amata maka  Sakizaya Wikipedia ?

LH: Some contributors built on existing entries in (traditional) Chinese and English Wikipedia by translating them into Sakizaya. This makes the job easier because they can use the references already cited in the related entries. Meanwhile, some referred encyclopedias when making entries on indigenous herbs. These are two practices that we recommended to our community as they save time. Some went further and did additional research on Google, YouTube, newspapers and academic publications for entries that weren’t covered yet in Wikipedia. Some even wrote about basketball players, comics books, American TV series and anything that interests them. Of course, elders with in-depth knowledge concerning the Sakizaya people, their history and their places of heritage usually work on [articles] on their own, with maybe some technical assistance from young people.

LH: Ụfọdụ ndị na-eme ederede na-eme ntụgharị omenaala obodo China na nke asụsụ bekee edere na Wikipedia dee ya n'asụsụ Sakizaya. Nke a na-eme ka ọrụ ederede a dịịrị ha mfe n'ihi na ha ga eji ebe nsinweta edere n'asụsụ Chinese nakwa nke bekee gosipụta ebe ha nweta ihe ha dere. N'aka nke ọzọ ụfọdụ na-esi na ensiakolopidia enweta ihe odide di iche iche tụmadị nke metụtara mkpọrọọgwụ obodo anyị. Nke bụ ụzọ abụọ ndị otu anyị na- agbaso iji bee oge nkenke mgbe ha na-eme ihe ederede ndị a. Ụfọdụ na-aga n'ihu baa n'ịntanet mee nchọpụta site na Google, YouTube, akwukwọ ọkụkọ na ederede nke ndi mahadum bipụtara iji dee maka ụfọdụ ihe ederede na adighị na Wikipedia. Ụfọdụ ederede ndị a metụtara ndị na-atụ bọọlụ basket,akwụkwọ egweregwu ntọchị, egwuregwu na ihe nkiri nke ndị Amerika maọbụ ihe ọbụla masịrị ha. Ndị okenye nwere nghọta banyere omenaala,ọdịnaala,na akụkọ banyere ndị Sakizaya na-emekwa ihe ederede ka ike ha ya mgbe ụfọdụ ha na enweta enyem aka ndị ntorobia tụmadị n'ihe gbasara ịntaneti.

RV:  Ndị na-eme ederede a ha di ole ? kedụ otu ha si gba mbọ? E nwere ebumnuche gbasara ebe na ihe ga-ebebanye na Wikipedia?

LH: We have about 30 active editors right now. -Ten of them are from the Mentor-Apprentice Program funded by the government. Tuku and I designed the Sakizaya program under this framework. It has been running for two years now and will conclude its first term by the end of 2020. To foster commitment, participants in the program are provided with long-term subsidies as they cultivate their language skills. And this program requires that they contribute to the Wikipedia project on a monthly basis — with entries or maintenance work. The remaining editors are those who have been contributing since the inception of Sakizaya Wikipedia on Wikimedia Incubator.

LH: Ugbu a anyị nwere mmadụ iri atọ bụ ndị nke na-edebanye ihe ederede na Wikipedia.Iri n'ime ha bụ ndị nkuzi na ndị nkwado ji ego nkwado Gọọmenti wepụtara wee na-akụziri ma na-akwado ndị na-eme ihe ndenye a. Mụ na Tuku wepụtara usoro ihe nkuzi a gbasara Sakizaya bụ nke gbagoro afọ abụọ eji bido ya. Agba nke mbụ ga-akwụsị n'afọ 2020. Iji mee ka na-agbasi mbọ ike ma na-eme ihe ndenye kwa ọnwa enwere nkwekọrịta ihe nrite iji gbaa ha ume ma ha na-ede asụsụ ha. Ndị nke ọzọ fọdụrụ bụ ndị izizi bidoro iji asụsụ  Sakizaya eme ndenye ihe na Wikipedia na Wikimedia Incubator.

RV: Enwere ihe atụmatụ na-aga n'ihu banyere ọria nje korona ugbu a  iji mee ka ndi mmadụ mata maka ọrịa a akpọrọ COVID-19 (coronavirus) na Sakizaya Wikipedia?

LH: COVID-19 is too enormous to be ignored. Because one of the Mentor-Apprentice program’s goals is to make Sakizaya part of our modern life, we designated a whole session of our class to it. So far, we have published two COVID-19 entries—  COVID-19 and “satebuc nu kitakit” (catastrophes worldwide).

LH: COVID-19 bụ nnukwu mmọnwụ agaghị eleghara anya n'ihi na Mbunuche otu onye na-akwado ihe nkuzi na odide  Sakizaya bụ ime ya ka ọ bụrụ ụzọ obibi ndụ anyị ugbu a.Anyị hubere ma wepụta usoro nkuzi asụsụ a na klasi anyị. Anyị ebipụtala ihe odide abụọ gbara COVID-19 entries—  COVID-19 na “satebuc nu kitakit” (catastrophes worldwide).

RV: Gwa anyị olile anya n'ọdị n'ihu banyere ndị otu a.

LH: We definitely need to expand our editing community much more and encourage them to write on a regular basis. However, not all native speakers are familiar with Sakizaya grammar, use of computers and Wikipedia editing.

In contrast, those who are privileged with computer access and capable of editing are most likely not very fluent in the language. Many have difficulty incorporating Wikipedia editing into their daily routine. So I proposed a plan for training workshops and editing competitions and hopefully both will be rolled out soon. We will make circuits of workshops among seven of our tribes so that elders and youths can be paired up for editing. Young people can make drafts in Chinese and then ask the elders to rephrase or translate the content into Sakizaya, or the elders can orally narrate for the youth to type up. Still, we hope young people will be able to do it all by themselves some day.

We are planning to take advantage of social media in growing the community. For example, we will announce a topic every month on Facebook and invite followers who are native speakers and/or active learners to join us in strengthening Sakizaya Wikipedia. We hope this will help them stay engaged, while helping us locate potential candidates for further mentoring.

LH: Anyi ga-agba mbọ ịmụba ederede anyị site na-ija ndị na-eme ederede a ike, Mana ọbụgjhị na-asụ asụsụ a maara ụtọasụsụ metutara asụsụ Sakizaya , iji Kọputa nakwa usoro ndebanye ihe na Wikipedia.

Na-agbanyeghị na ndị nwere kọputa ma mara eji ya eme ndebanye na Wikipedia amachaghị asụ asụsụ a, ụfọdụ na enwe ihe nhiaahụ ime ndebanye a ma nwekwa ohere mee ihe ndị ọzọ dịrị ha.Ọ bụ nke a mere nji buru n;obi iwepụta atụmatụ nzukọ, nkuzi nakwa asọmpi banyere idebanye ederede na Wikipedia bụ nke aga-ebido n'ọdị n'ihu. A ga-ewepụta ebe nkuzi n'ọnụ obodo asaa ka ndị okenye na ndị ntorobia biakọta ọnụ mee ndebanye a. Ndị ntorobia nwere ike depụta ihe na Chinese, ma jụọ ndị okenye ka ha tụgharịa ihe odide n'asụsụ Sakizaya, maọbụ ndị okenye ekwupụta ya n;ọnụ ebe ndị ntoroọbia ga-edebanye ya. Ebumnuche anyị bụ na ndị ntoroọbia nwere ike otu ụbọchị jiri aka ha mee ndebanye ndị a.

Anyị na-akwado iji uru soshia midia wetere wee bawanye ndị otu anyị. Ọmụmaatụ anyị ga-ekwupụta otu isiokwu na Fesibuku kwa ọnwa ka ndị na-asụ asụsụ a sonye wee mee ndebanye  Sakizaya na Wikipedia. Anyị nwere olile anya na nke ga-eme ka ha sonye ganye na anyị enweta ndi nkwado.

RV: Kedụ ka usoro i si chọọ ka ndị otu ndebanye ihe na Wikipedia nakwa ndị otu ndị ọzọ di iche iche si Taiwan na obodo ndị ọzọ  rụkọrịta?

LH: While Sakizaya Wikipedia was being developed in the Incubator, we worked very closely with the Center for Aboriginal Studies at the National Chengchi University, which encouraged every indigenous language student to start a Wikipedia project in their own language on Wikimedia Incubator. We have also been in touch with Wikimedia Taiwan, an affiliated local Wikimedia Chapter. The Center along with Wikimedia Taiwan has provided our Wikipedia community with technical and consultative assistance. Both organizations have continued to support us to this day.

LH: Dịka asụsụ Sakizaya na Wikipedia ka dị na  Inkubetọ, Anyị na ndị ‘Center for Aboriginal Studies nke ndị Mahadum National Chengchi na-arụkọ, nke a na-enyere nwata akwụkwọ ọbụla na-amụ asụsụ ọdịnaala ime projekti na asụsụ nke ha maọbụ masịrị ya na  Wikimedia Inkubetọ. Anyị kpọtụkwara ndị Wikimedia Taiwan, bụ otu  Wikimedia dị n'ime obodo. Otu a nakwa otu Wikimedia Taiwannyere anyi nkwado site na enyem aka n'ihe gbasara igwe tekniụzụ nakwa iza oku mgbe ọbụla anyi nwere ihe nhịa ahụ. Otu abụọ ndi a ka na-enye anyị nkwado rue taa.


Nuwatan o Kumud, otu n'ime ndi okenye na Sakizaya kwuputara maka nhịaahụ na mbọ ọ na-agba iji mụta ka esi edenbanye ederede na  Wikipedia ma na-agba ndị ntoroọbia na-asụ Sakizaya ume ka ha sonye n'otu a. O okwuputara ihe ndi a na  an audio message.

N'okpuru ị ga-agụ ozi a bụ nke  Buting Nukay na Miku Kumud tugharịrị ma depụta.

Step by step, I gradually learned to write and edit Wikipedia [entries]. What I have written down is everything I think needed to be documented. These are the footsteps and tribal affairs of our people. I want to put them all onto Wikipedia…I think you can do it — learning to edit Wikipedia [entries] while working with a mouse in front of the computer. If even I can learn to do so, youngsters like you with a flexible mind should have no problem at all.

Nwayọ Nwayọ, A mụtara m ka esi ede nakwa ka esi edebanye ihe na  Wikipedia [entries]. Ihe niile m dere bụ ihe m chere na ekwesịrị idetu ma dobe. Ndị a metụtara nzọ ụkwụ na ihe niile gbasara obibi ndụ ndị be anyị. Achọrọ m idetu ha niile na Wikipedia…A mam na ị ga-emenwu ya—-Mmụta m mụtara idenye ederede na Wikipedia [entries] site na iji nke akpọrọ  mouse n'ihu Kọmputa, ọ bụrụ na m ga-emenwu ya ndị ntoroọbia ọbara ,aka na ụbụrụ na-anụ ọkụ agaghị enwe nsogbu na ị me ndebanye na Wikipedia..

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